Our Subjective Ranking of Every American Girl Doll Girl of the Year

Our Subjective Ranking of Every American Girl Doll Girl of the Year

Starting with its debut in 2001, the Girl of the Year line has become a staple of American Girl. The Girl of the Year is a contemporary character designed to reflect present-day girls’ interests and aspirations. There are now 23 dolls in this line. The newest doll’s anticipated release every year on January 1st draws…

Why it's okay to get rid of old journals

I Got Rid of All My Old Journals and Diaries. Here’s Why.

“I have already lost touch with a couple of people I used to be.” — Joan Didion I started keeping a journal during my sophomore year in high school, and I continued the practice into my young adult years. My journaling dropped off after I got married, started having children, and got busy with professional…

How to Respond to Compliments When You’re Not Sure How to Respond

How to Respond to Compliments When You’re Not Sure How to Respond

Everyone reacts to compliments differently. Some people love them. Thrive on them, even. If verbal affirmation is your love language, nothing lights up your day like receiving a positive comment. At work, it might be praise about how well you handled a recent project. Among friends, it might be compliments about your new haircut or…

Stop Looking at Your Phone When You Can’t Sleep (And What to Do Instead)

Stop Looking at Your Phone When You Can’t Sleep (And What to Do Instead)

Rachael also contributed to this post.  When I get up for work on a weekday morning, I keep to a routine. Among other things, I get something to eat, take some time to think about the day ahead, and then go get cleaned up and dressed for the day. While I’m eating, I also usually…

Thinking of Leaving a Secure Job? Here are Five Questions to Consider

Thinking of Leaving a Secure Job? Here are Five Questions to Consider

I have a number of friends who are considering leaving their jobs this year. That’s not surprising, because a lot of people have left their jobs this year. The reasons are varied, but a lot of it comes down to burnout. Many of my friends work in public education and are worn out over the…

Breast Cancer

My First Mammogram, Breast Cancer Uncertainty, and My Fibroadenoma Diagnosis

I turned 40 during the pandemic. After getting vaccinated, I began catching up on some non-urgent preventative medical appointments, including scheduling my first mammogram. Many of my good friends are a few years older than me, so I know women who have already had mammograms. It was time for me to join the club. What…