When a “Lonely Older Man” is Really a Predator

When a “Lonely Older Man” is Really a Predator

He was a lay leader in my family’s small church. A gray-haired single man in his 50s. He taught Bible classes. He held positions on church committees, served communion, and made sure there was a huge celebratory cake in the fellowship hall on the Sunday when I was baptized along with several other church members….

Hidden Resources: Check Out Cookbooks from Your Library

Hidden Resources: Check Out Cookbooks from Your Library

In these days of Pinterest, countless food blogs, and sites like allrecipes.com, I’ve drifted from using traditional cookbooks. Online, I can find anything to suit my tastes or my family’s tastes. I can search for recipes that use specific ingredients. I can ogle over the pictures on Pinterest and click on whatever looks good. I can…