Our Subjective Ranking of Every American Girl Doll Girl of the Year

Our Subjective Ranking of Every American Girl Doll Girl of the Year

Starting with its debut in 2001, the Girl of the Year line has become a staple of American Girl. The Girl of the Year is a contemporary character designed to reflect present-day girls’ interests and aspirations. There are now 23 dolls in this line. The newest doll’s anticipated release every year on January 1st draws…

Dealing With Crowds in Pigeon Forge, Gatlinburg, and Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Dealing With Crowds in Pigeon Forge, Gatlinburg, and Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Rachael also contributed to this post.  If you’ve ever considered going on a trip to the Smokies — including Pigeon Forge, Gatlinburg, and Great Smoky Mountains National Park — you’ve probably wondered if it’s crowded … and, if so, how to best deal with those crowds. We’ve experienced it, so we can tell you. First,…

How to Use “Tap to Pay” or “Contactless” Credit or Debit Cards

How to Use “Tap to Pay” or “Contactless” Credit or Debit Cards

Credit and debit cards have changed a lot over the years. At one point, the card was simply a magnetic strip that you swiped through a reader. Now cards come with chips that let them do all kinds of things they weren’t able to do before. If you have a credit or debit card, you…

Experience gift ideas

34 Experience Gift Ideas During a Pandemic

Every holiday season, the minimalist websites I follow share lengthy lists of experience gift ideas for people who want to reduce the physical clutter in their lives. However, this year, a lot of those lists are sad reminders of all that we can’t or shouldn’t do right now because of the current state of the…

Gateway Arch

Travel Tips: Taking Kids to the Arch in St. Louis

EDITOR’S NOTE: Pricing and hours are accurate as of February 2020.  You can’t talk about a visit to the city of St. Louis without talking about visiting the iconic Gateway Arch. The 630-foot-tall monument celebrating America’s westward expansion is a must-see if you are passing through this city in the Midwest. If you have kids,…

Three Limited Resources That Hold People Back
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Three Limited Resources That Hold People Back

Most people have heard the word economics before, but there’s a good chance they only have a vague idea what it means … or, if they did know in some dusty old class, they don’t remember it now. Economics is a field that covers many things, but if you were going to try to reduce…

St. Louis Science Center 3

Travel Tips: Taking Kids to the St. Louis Science Center

EDITOR’S NOTE: Prices and hours are accurate as of 2019. When you’re looking for some indoor fun in St. Louis, especially for the kids, you can’t beat the St. Louis Science Center. Located in Forest Park (home of the St. Louis Zoo, St. Louis Art Museum, Missouri History Museum, The Muny outdoor theater, and more),…