The Most Important Thing You Can Do Before Making a Decision

The Most Important Thing You Can Do Before Making a Decision

So, you’re facing a huge decision. This one’s big. Really big. This is the kind of decision that will make or break you. Sausage or bacon? Okay, maybe not, but there are plenty of times when we do have to make big decisions: about what car to buy, about whether to splurge on that expensive…

Clear Care Contact Lens Bubbling Over

How to Keep Clear Care Contact Lens Cleaning Solution From Bubbling Over

This post contains affiliate links. Contact lens care has come a long way in the last few decades. While some people do (and have to) use saline, there are now a number of other options available, including a variety of multipurpose solution formulas that are gentle on the eyes while also effective at keeping the…

Want To Sleep Better? Avoid These Common Mistakes

Want To Sleep Better? Avoid These Common Mistakes

Most people know that eating right, getting enough exercise, and reducing stress are all good for them. Most people also have some vague idea that getting enough sleep is also good for them. What people don’t always fully appreciate is how important sleep is for the other things. Inadequate sleep is associated with all kinds…

When a “Lonely Older Man” is Really a Predator

When a “Lonely Older Man” is Really a Predator

He was a lay leader in my family’s small church. A gray-haired single man in his 50s. He taught Bible classes. He held positions on church committees, served communion, and made sure there was a huge celebratory cake in the fellowship hall on the Sunday when I was baptized along with several other church members….