Our Subjective Ranking of Every American Girl Doll Girl of the Year
Starting with its debut in 2001, the Girl of the Year line has become a staple of American Girl. The Girl of the Year is a contemporary character designed to reflect present-day girls’ interests and aspirations. There are now 23 dolls in this line. The newest doll’s anticipated release every year on January 1st draws crowds, with lines stretching out of every store. Each year’s doll is her own unique character. There are some that are highly coveted and others that … let’s just say they’re still waiting for their moment.
I’ve created a list ranking all 23 dolls, from weakest to best. Keep in mind that these are my own opinion, some very biased, and they come from an older collector, not AG’s target demographic of children. But for now, this is my unofficial ranking of every Girl of the Year from 2001 to 2025.
Lindsey Bergman – 2001
Lindsey was the very first Girl of the Year, and I think it’s safe to say AG had absolutely no clue what they were doing. At this point, American Girl of Today (now Truly Me) was already well established, but the company had never done a contemporary doll with a fully formed story before. Lindsey doesn’t have much of a personality (as a band nerd, I do respect her playing the trumpet) and she wasn’t given much of a collection besides her accessories and scooter. The doll herself isn’t that pretty, either. Her meet outfit is so busy, and the color palate is so dull.
The doll is very low on my list, as she is with most collectors, and sells for relatively cheap on the secondhand market unless you want her brand new. Overall, she’s just very uninspired, and she only gets love because she was the first GOTY.
McKenna Brooks – 2012
McKenna was the start of what many fans consider AG’s slump years for GOTY. This also marks where I feel the demographics shifted for them, as the characters that followed were significantly tackier, using bright colors more than meaningful stories.
A competitive gymnast, McKenna’s goal is to make the regional competitive team, but an injury leaves her in a cast that threatens the opportunity. I watched her movie a lot as a kid, but now, she comes off very whiny and ungrateful. The story also has real problems: she has dyslexia, which allows her to befriend her tutor Josie, who is a wheelchair user, but the depiction of dyslexia is inaccurate in both her book and movie.
I don’t have much to say about her collection because it’s just that forgettable. I like her school outfit and loft bed, but her meet outfit is meh (what are those shoes?), as is all her gymnastics gear. I loved this doll as a child, but I don’t give her much thought anymore. Given how cheap she is on the secondhand market, most fans seem to agree.
Saige Copeland – 2013
Saige is the first doll on this list that I own, and while I think she’s one of the prettiest GOTY’s doll-wise, her collection doesn’t reflect that. She’s a horseback rider, which we had already gotten at that point in 2007’s Nicki, and a painter. Her story is about saving her schools arts program, and she starts with normal 9 year old tactics, like lemonade stands and bake sales, but it quickly escalates to a performance that likely costs more than the actual arts program. Saige isn’t a likable character, much like McKenna, and has multiple outbursts without much warning during her movie that hurt her friendships.
As for her collection, there’s a grandma thing going on with all the tribal print, flowy sweaters, blouses, and flared pants, but it’s all pretty boring, even her meet outfit. Her celebration dress and hot air balloon are cool, but there’s nothing exceptional about any of it, and I don’t know that I’d buy Saige at this point if I didn’t have her already.
Isabelle Palmer – 2014
I still remember the days of dancing to “Ur own Star” from Isabelle’s movie in my basement for hours on end. I absolutely adored Isabelle then, but I can’t look at her the same now. Like McKenna and Saige, her personality comes off as whiny and annoying, and her story, at least in her movie, mostly revolves around comparing herself to her sister. She’s a ballerina, but overall, her story just isn’t that exciting, and I don’t recall any really empowering takeaways.
She’s a pretty bland doll, too, a blond hair-brown eye combo we’d already seen with 2003’s Kailey. Her collection is pretty, but a lot of it is just mix and match dance gear. AG attempted to make her into a fashion designer on top of everything else, making her collection feel random and unorganized. We’d had dancers before, so I would’ve loved a pure fashion designer, which still hasn’t been done. I still have nostalgia for her, and aesthetically, her collection isn’t terrible, but I don’t see anything exceptional in her that places her any higher.
Gabriella McBride – 2017
Gabby deserved so much better. She could’ve been such an amazing milestone for AG, creating the first Black Girl of the Year. Instead, it was a rushed concept that recycled a retired Truly Me and reused accessories.
Now, there are pieces I really like. I think both of her dance outfits are really cool, and the younger me thought her meet outfit was super edgy. But the sheer chaos that unfolded as she was designed shows through. Her bed was McKenna’s, and her dance studio was a piece of cardboard. I sometimes forget she was even a Girl of the Year, it’s that recycled.
It’s really her story that saves her. She’s a dancer and poet with a stutter, which we hadn’t gotten before. I remember reading and rereading her books, and I still do. Her arts school is getting older, and she has to conquer her fears by educating others about the school, and participating in a showcase. Her books depict her as a relatable, well thought out character, and I so wished her collection reflected that. We haven’t gotten another Black GOTY since, and I sincerely hope that one day, American Girl will finally pour their heart into a memorable doll, and do Black representation better justice.
Summer McKinney – 2025
We all knew AG has been leaning toward a younger demographic than ever before, but Summer really pushed the limits of how young they could be. Summer is the owner of a small business, called “Waggy Pup Tails” that makes dog treats — ironic, considering that AG is going after small businesses on Etsy that make 18” doll clothes. It doesn’t help that this is yet another animal girl storyline. You can only come up with so many animal-based plots before they all start to run together.
Her collection is sickeningly bright, and lines up with 5 year old fashion more than 9. The doll uses the Nanea mold, which was unexpected, but I really enjoy it, and I love her pink highlights, and that she’s the first GOTY that comes with glasses. What hurts her is the unoriginality and youngness of everything she has. I love her cat with all my heart, but nothing else of hers is allowed to come near my collection.
Nicki Fleming – 2007
Nicki walked so Saige could run …or limp, depending on what you think of Saige. Nicki was the OG horse girl, who also learns to train a service dog. I absolutely love her story. Her book is about her learning to train a service dog while balancing her friendships and her mothers awaited baby. She’s faced with situations where she has to set boundaries to protect her dog and her training, sacrificing her spot with the popular girls.
Her story alone would rank her much higher, but her collection is quite possibly the most boring thing to exist in AG. She has a couple riding outfits and a horse, but I don’t remember anything all that well. It’s not ugly, but nothing is eye catching, and you see it in her meet outfit. I think the doll is cute, but it’s not enough to save her, and I don’t expect to buy her anytime soon.
Lila Monetti – 2024
Lila’s cute, but I don’t have anything radiant to say about her. I’m going to use “cute” a lot because that’s really the most credit I can give her. She’s a gymnast who discovers horseback riding and learns she can do both. She’s a cute doll whose meet outfit feels more on trend, but still feels like it’s missing something, and I can’t bring myself to buy anything in her collection. Her horse is Barbie-like, which I thought they pulled off very well, but I’m still not interested.
The only other real noticeable piece is her gymnastics set, complete with uneven bars and a chalk bowl, which was new for AG, but her outfits and accessories don’t speak to me like other GOTY’s do. Some of her gymnastics outfits and accessories are cute, although her riding outfit isn’t it at all. People don’t talk about her much, so I don’t think she’s made much of an imprint.
Kavi Sharma – 2023
Not to bash all the recent GOTY’s, but Kavi is a doll that, while I respect for being the first Indian-American character, doesn’t really do a lot to excite. She’s a Bollywood dancer balancing her culture with modern dance between her two friends. Her meet outfit is one of the best in recent years, and aligns with age-appropriate trends, so I’m glad AG seemed to keep up with the times on her. Her Bollywood outfit and yoga gear are fun, as is her stage playset, but it doesn’t outshine the higher dolls on this ranking. This was also the first year AG did journals instead of chapter books for the GOTY’s, so I felt like I lost a part of her personality only getting snippets of her life.
Overall, not a bad doll by any means, but nothing I’m dying to add to my collection.
Mia St. Clair – 2008
These next two GOTY’s were the hardest to figure out where to place. Mia is complicated, because she’s a doll I really love for some personal reasons, but not necessarily on her merits as a doll. While her collection is really cute, there’s nothing super special. I think her bed is neat, and her teal green figure skating dress is probably my favorite outfit, but nothing else really stands out.
Her story follows her transitioning from playing hockey with her family to figure skating. This was the first time AG released a seasonal GOTY, and it worked out well, because she wouldn’t be the last. The doll is really pretty, and my second favorite red-headed GOTY behind 2019’s Blaire. It pains me to put her here, but while I love Mia, I don’t have a reasonable way to place her any higher outside of personal bias.
Jess McConnell – 2006
Jess, like Mia, is a doll that I’m not always sure where to rank for different reasons. I’ve never read her book, so there’s not a whole lot of connection with her, but I know she goes to Belize with her family, and began the trend of GOTY’s traveling as a main point in their story. Jess was also the first Asian doll in the line, following Marisol, who was Latina. The “Jess mold” was a new sculpt used for her face, and has become incredibly popular as a way to expand AG’s diversity. While her meet outfit is one of my least favorites of any character, I find the rest of her collection to be beautiful, and one I look at fondly. Her pajamas, hammock, kayak, all of it is really pretty, and helped to set the standard for GOTY’s having full collections.
Sometimes I forget about Jess, but I don’t think there’s much to complain about with her, and I’ve expressed varying interest in purchasing her someday.
Blaire Wilson – 2019
I remember despising Blaire when she came out. I found her so boring and cliche. But as the years progressed, she’s grown on me. She’s a farmer and a wedding planner … okay, I get why she’s not always the most liked GOTY. But she does have some things that are unique: she’s lactose intolerant, and I know she had a couple of run ins with it in her books.
What earns her this spot is more her collection. The pastels are gorgeous, and everything from her kitchen to her gardening sets are all so perfect, there’s not a singular outfit I dislike. The doll herself has made a pretty good impression on me, too. Yes, the “Josefina mold” is used for her face, and it’s way overused, but I still think Blaire is really pretty. I love her red, curly hair, and I think she pulled it off way better than Saige and Mia. I’ve found myself looking for her second hand recently, and she’s a little pricey, but I’d love to have her in the coming years.
Kira Bailey – 2021
Not everyone may like how high I’m placing her — there are plenty of Kira haters out there — but I find Kira to be a well thought out doll, with a unique story.
Kira goes to Australia to help her Aunts at their wildlife sanctuary. She makes friends and cares for animals, while also teaching readers about the effects of climate change, something AG stayed away from for a long time. Her last book ends with the sanctuary reduced to ashes after a bush fire, and Kira determined to build it back up. It’s one of the sadder endings to an AG story, but I really liked the message it sent. AG also took a leap of faith giving Kira a set of lesbian Aunts, who together run the sanctuary. While some were angered, I thought it was an important milestone, and allowed AG to change with the times as best they could.
As for her collection, I really enjoy all of it. Her platform tent is super fun, and all her outfits are adorable. The only reason she’s lower is because the doll still feels bland, and there are other characters I like better, but Kira stands her ground. I probably won’t get her soon because of how similar she looks to some of my other dolls, but it’s not out of the question.
Lanie Holland – 2010
A few years ago, Lanie would be closer to the bottom, but after getting to read her book, I’ve warmed up to her and her collection. She a big nature lover in a family that loves nothing more than staying indoors. Her outdoorsy Aunt comes to visit them, and shows Lanie how to garden. A big issue with a lot of the GOTY’s is the privileged vibe they give off in their hobbies and trips some of them take. Lanie feels more down-to-earth, her big adventure being starting a backyard garden. As someone who lives in a family of outdoorsy gardeners myself, she’s definitely a relatable character.
Her collection isn’t anything special, but it’s grown on me, similar to Blaire’s. It’s all very cute and simple, and I love the color palate. Her “big item” is her camper, and it’s such an underrated piece. All in all, I feel like Lanie is often overlooked, and she deserved more attention. She’s pretty cheap on the second hand market, so if I ever got the chance, I would definitely get her.
Grace Thomas – 2015
Grace has always been a favorite. She’s the quintessential Paris girl who works to save her grandparents bakery while perfecting her baking skills during her Paris travels. Her collection is incredibly cheesy, but in the cutest way possible. The majority of her outfits are casual sightseeing pieces, and they’re made for kids, but have a hint of maturity in them, and I feel that they’re some of the best GOTY outfits out there. The blues and reds used throughout pop so well, especially in her bakery, which was her big-ticket item.
She’s also got an underrated story. I’ve watched her movie a few times, and it’s one of the best AG movies in my opinion. It probably helps that Grace was played by the then-unknown Olivia Rodrigo. The doll herself is gorgeous as well. She has the cute side bangs that AG doesn’t do anymore, and I love the blue eyes and freckles combo. Overall, Grace is just such a sweet character, and while her story isn’t the most original, I still have so much respect and nostalgia for her.
Marisol Luna – 2005
Marisol saved the GOTY line, and for good reason. She was the OG dancer, and the first nonwhite GOTY. As a Latina dancer, she had an established hobby and story that made her a fan favorite. She dabbles in every style of dance, from ballet to contemporary, giving her depth that future dancers couldn’t match. The doll is stunning, and her collection was so well thought out. My only suggestion would have been to give her more casual looks and furniture pieces since, aside from her meet outfit, her collection is all dancewear. The detail in all her pieces, from sequins to lace, are things we don’t often get now, and took for granted. I’ve come very close to purchasing her, and am working to read her book.
Marisol hasn’t always been in my top 10 (it took me a while to get used to those cargo pants), but she deserves to be recognized for her cultural significance and beauty of her collection.
Kailey Hopkins – 2003
Kailey is another what I feel is a very underrated doll. Living in California, Kailey is a boogie boarder who takes a lot of joy and pride in preserving her beaches, specifically tide pools. Her story follows her trying to save the tide pools from the threat of a new resort being built along the water. She’s such a lovable character, and I remember really rooting for her to reach her goals, as she educates her community on the benefits and beauty of tide pools and the creatures that live there. I specifically remember her having locals draw pictures of their favorite things about the beach, bringing people together. She’s a great example of how young people can stand up to make a difference, no matter how small it is.
Her collection isn’t large, but it’s really nice, and her meet outfit is one of my favorites, it’s so Y2K. The doll isn’t the most unique by today’s standards, although blond with brown eyes wasn’t all that common for dolls back then. I don’t know how many others would place her this high, but Kailey’s a very simple yet well thought out character, and I’d love to have her in my collection.
Chrissa Maxwell – 2009
As someone who was bullied quite a bit when I was around Chrissa’s age, she was a big inspiration for me. She was the first GOTY movie I watched, and it felt so real. Chrissa moves to a new town, and is greeting by the “mean bees” who make her life miserable through in-person and cyberbullying. She befriends Gwyn, who also got a doll, who is homeless, and subject to bullying as well. One of the mean girls, Sonali, who also got a doll (and who is one of the most coveted and expensive) abandons her mean ways, and the three of them stand up to the cruel behaviors. Chrissas collection is decent sized, and none of it is too over the top, usually ranking her lower on lists.
I’m definitely biased, but I love Chrissa, and I wish AG would use more messaging like this in their current dolls. The doll herself isn’t super unique, but she feels like a real person a lot more than other GOTY’s, and is in my a opinion a huge milestone for AG in the ways they can use dolls to encourage change.
Lea Clark – 2016
Lea is considered one of the best GOTY’s by many collectors, and I 100% agree. She travels to Brazil to help her brother, and her movie is more action-packed than I’d expect from AG, with Lea taking risks to save her brother, whose gone missing in the rainforest. Is it realistic? Nope. But it’s such a fun storyline.
The doll is beautiful, and she looks good in literally anything. Her collection is bright, but tasteful. I love her rainforest house and fruit stand, which I own, and it’s such a fun piece to feature in displays. Her clothing and accessories had so much thought put into them, from her mix and match swimsuit pieces to the hiking backpack with a built in water case and straw like you’d see on true hiking backpacks. Lea is overall a beautiful doll with an equally beautiful collection, and was truly the peak of the GOTY line. There’s not a thing I’d change about her.
Joss Kendrick – 2020
Joss made GOTY history in several ways. For starters, she was the first character to have two major hobbies. She begins as a surfer, but joins a competitive cheer team at the beginning of her first book as a bet with her brother, but soon learns she loves it, and it helps her become a better surfer as well. But more importantly, she was the first GOTY to have a physical disability. She has a hearing impairment, where she’s deaf in her left ear, but can hear some in her right with her hearing aid, and her ear was molded specifically to fit it.
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, Joss wasn’t as widely recognized or distributed, and because of that, sells for a lot second hand, but I love her and her story. On their YouTube channel, AG made a Joss stop motion series documenting her adventures, and I loved tuning in each week to follow along while stuck at home. Her collection has such a laid back vibe, the pink and blue contrast between her cheer and surf gear makes it feel so put together and coordinated.
Fun fact: Joss has one of the most expensive items of all time in her collection, with her Volkswagen surf bus initially selling for over $600 on AG’s website. I’ve always looked at Joss fondly, with the beauty of the doll and collection, but also with the way she made waves (pun intended) through her disability and storyline.
Kanani Akina – 2011
2011 gave us quite possibly the most beautiful GOTY ever. Kanani, a multiracial 10-year old living in Hawaii, is documented in her stories helping to share the Aloha spirit on her island through helping her family and the endangered species living there. Though I’ve never read her book, her collection basically says it all. It’s colorful and fun, and was the last well received GOTY by collectors for a few years.
But what really set Kanani apart was her doll. The “Jess mold” used with a darker skin tone and long wavy wig created one of the most sought after GOTY’s, who sells for a pretty penny second hand. But doll aside, Kanani has a stunning collection, specifically her shave ice stand and outfit, and her swimming gear. (I’m obsessed with her paddleboard!) There’s not a singular bad thing about her, and I’d be honored to make her a part of my collection in the coming years.
Luciana Vega – 2018
Luciana seems to get a bad rap, but for why I can’t understand. Is she really tacky? Maybe, but I love it. Luci wants to be the first person on Mars, and her books document her time at Space Camp, exploring and competing to become a future astronaut. AG hadn’t done this before, but I’m glad they did. I’ve read her books over and over, and they have such a great message, empowering girls to get involved in STEM.
Her collection has some really iconic pieces. Her space camp uniform and astronaut suit are great, and her large item, the Mars habitat, is iconic. I got Luciana the first month she was available, and she’s my most spoiled doll to this day. She was my last purchase from out local AG store before it closed, so she’s meant a lot to me for that reason as well.
Yes, her side bangs are annoying, I’ll give her that, but I love the purple streak, and all the clear research AG did in her design, from her space suit to the tiny freeze dried ice cream in her accessories. I could go on for hours about her, but to sum it up, I hold her close to my heart, and admire all she did for the AG community, and for me as a collector.
Corinne Tan – 2022
Corinne is an absolute legend, and I’m not the only one who thinks so. As a Chinese American, Corinne lives in Aspen, Colorado, and whose primary hobby is skiing. In addition to Corinne, her sister Gywnn was also sold, an aspiring figure skater. Throughout her books, Corinne experiences racism related to Covid-19, and watches men make racist jokes about her mother’s local restaurant, learning to stand up for herself. She was the GOTY we needed, and represents the best of the line.
On top of her story, the doll is beautiful, one of the first with new painted eyelashes in addition to the real ones, and the second doll after Luciana to have permanent colored hair. I own Corinne, and her hair is some of my favorite of all my dolls, with the blue purposefully layered to pop in any style. Her skiing and casual gear are all on trend, and the blue, purple, pink color palette is gorgeous, especially in her bedroom set, featuring bunk beds and a chairlift used as a lounge chair.
There’s no way to perfectly describe how incredible Corinne is, but if you can get her, do it. She recently sold out on AG’s website, but you can find her new on the second hand market for a similar selling price. Corinne deserves to be number 1, and was one of the best things AG has ever done. Period.